Tyson’s Overlook
Tyson's Corner, VirginiaSouth County Government Center is a five story privatized build-to-suit government services building for Fairfax County Government. South County Center was awarded the “NAIOP 2002 Award of Merit-Best Building”. The structure consists of spread and continuous concrete footings supporting the post-tensioned concrete floors. The veneer is a multi-faceted mix of architectural and structural precast concrete, brick masonry, and aluminum framed windows. The site is a generously landscaped surface parking lot. The building entrance features a porte-cochere comprised of structural steel, architectural precast concrete, and a multiple skylight roof system. The main lobby features a mixture of Verde Fountain granite, Absolute Black granite, Atlantic Green Flame granite and Verde Mare marble flooring and base, polymix painted walls with detailed reveals and a customized reception desk.